Urve Manuel

The Glass Station
54 Main St S
Rocky Harbour
Tel (Bus): 
About The Member

"Not all people will climb the mountain to see the stark whiteness of the snow against a cobalt blue sky, nor will they all wake up to watch the sun strike the horizon and turn the mountains a deep fuchsia, but these people might still want to be a part of those scenes in a less physical way. My art allows me to share with others what gives me such deep joy." Urve Manuel Urve Manuel is continuously amazed at the beauty of nature. From the tiniest Calypso orchid on the limestone barrens of the northern tip of Newfoundland to the osprey soaring over her studio in Rocky Harbour, Manuel finds inspiration for her leaded and fused glass panels, as well as kiln-formed glass sculpture and functional objects. Oftentimes a story told to her will resonate in such a way that aspects of it will be carried over into her work; her latest life-sized work, Ephemeral Joys: Childhood Memories is a small piece of her own story put to glass. Besides completed glass pieces, her studio is crammed full of ideas, works in-progress, and sketches or snippets of conversations hastily jotted down on any scrap of paper, waiting for the right time to be translated into glass. The interactions of colour, texture of glass and the ever-changing light brings life to Manuel’s vibrant works, mimicking the beauty that surrounds her. Self-taught after an introduction to traditional leaded glass in an evening class in British Columbia, Urve has been working with glass for 18 years. She works year-round in her studio and gallery, The Glass Station, in Rocky harbour NL.

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